Saturday, June 4, 2011

Family Fun in the Sun

Olivia and her cousin Kira had fun jumping into the pool together.

Gabe and Nana

Uncle Jeff was so much fun! And Uncle Rudy is in the background there with cousin Max. Aunt Vicki and Pop-pop seem to have missed most of my pictures too. Bummer. It was not easy to get good pictures of everyone. We had fun but chaotic times with all the little ones, thats for sure! Hopefully, the other slackers in our fam will put up some pictures on their blogs someday! LOL! love you guys! :) 

Sweet Cousin Aiden! He was taken a rest from the pool. I think he was supposed to be sleeping but I may have disturbed him. :) Anyway, I just loved getting to meet him this last week. He was full of smiles. He is a big squeezable boy. He has the most lovely head of red curls!
Aunt DD and Cousin Vivi

Ezra hangin' out

1 comment:

  1. loved seeing you guys and spending time together! Can't wait until next time xoxo
