Monday, May 9, 2011

Giving Thanks for Failure

When we fail or others fail us in life it is hard, but it is a blessing too. We have a longing that only God can fill. He designed us with that longing. And failure has to happen. It points us to God. We can't find it in ourselves, others or circumstances. When I lament that I can't be everything someone dear to me needs or that things have really changed or my mouth gets me into trouble or I lack selfcontrol, it is easy to get bogged down with the failure. But there is a greater plan. Only ONE can not fail. I want to see that ONE and I want others to see that ONE. I can't shield my children from this. I don't want to. I want them to see Christ. I must fail for that ONE to be strong.

2 Corinthians 12:9--"And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

So in this world, there will be struggle and yet there is blessing in the struggle. Stop and begin to number them. It will lead to the ONE who does no fail.

#385-417 of the Thousand Endless Gifts
*smiling, changing my face to change my heart
*stopping to enjoy the things they discover
*her confidence building
*praying and worshipping together in the car, a turning point
*being brought to tears with some sweet women of God as we study the Bible
*listening to the kids chatter with friends
*a friend's couch
*a coffee shop and conversation, 3 hours that seemed like 30minutes!
*knowing that i have to fail sometimes, God's plan
*demonstrating sweet love, true patience
*multiple hugs and kisses
*speaking truth when i want to build a wall
*an email from a spiritual mentor--a reminder not to give up
*excitement over learning--seeing it make sense to them
*Olivia's journal entry about God
*games of hide and seek
*Gabe trying to do right, remembering my job is to train
*holding both boys
*discussion/debate, him not backing down, looking for the truth
*stopping to see how hard they are trying
*teachers/leaders at BSF
*"Relationships cost. It’s not that you aren’t going to blow it. It is what you do with it, when you do." Ann Voskamp
*finding the positive expression and motivation
*seeing God's provision
*a mirror of truth
*thinking of what God thinks of me, knowing his assessment of me matters, not mine of him
*practicing thanks in the moments
*that God wants to comfort me, and would teach me to comfort, even when it feels so foreign
*getting up early to pray, weak prayers that God still hears
*struggling to sit quiet, He waits, a slow training
*just what he talked about being on sale at the grocery store
*Gabe wanting out of the stroller
*climbing rocks, jumping-1 2 3, sticks, leaves, small rocks

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