*meeting my neice and nephew in person for the first time
*working together
*being protected
*the way he is steady, calm
*the unexpected weather-sunshine; able to play outdoors; energy for long days
*easy meals
*homeschool support; those who want to teach and learn along with you
*strawberries, strawberries, and more strawberries; red juice all over, the scent, the taste
*a deep heart conversation, waiting; in time He will reveal and give wisdom
*the END (fulfillment, the climax, the full extent, the revealing, the goal, the embodiment)
*how hard he works, see it wear on him but seeing him push through
*getting a glimpse, having faith, trying to understand but waiting
*Daddy helping with math for a little while
*family in town!
*the calm after i take control, wishing it had happened sooner but learning the lesson at the moment, stopping to count, changing my thoughts
*a mother's day test
*quiet time at home
*a reminder of true fear, a call to trust the One with the plan, a message of courage
*long to do list, things always coming up, taking our Sabbath anyway--in body and heart
*my pastor's family
*cards and flowers that make me smile
*smiling big, from face to heart
*gentle breeze, patterns of light, beautiful weather
*the new morning routine
*trying to get up early to pray, catching myself falling asleep but knowing God hears me and will help train me
*when you read something, ponder it, live it, wait and find it sinking in
*looking ahead to his brokeness, he gave thanks (eucharisteo), he anticipated thanks, not fear or worry or any of those other things that we so easily get into; and if i keep giving thanks then i will become like him--i want to anticipate thanks
*being the mom
*desiring to understand true wisdom, allowing my brain to be reworked, not giving up even though its tough and i'm tired
*hugging a friend
*joyful children piling in and out of a van to visit, laugh and smile
*the hospitality of friends, excited voices eating and playing together--not being able to see what they are doing, hearing them talk comfortably, having to push to leave, planning some future fun