Friday, April 15, 2011

Witherspoon Art Gallery's Spring Event

I got the priviledge of taking Miss O to UNCG's Witherspoon Art Gallery for their "Jump Into Spring" Event that they had last Saturday. They had performances by a jazz band, some elemetary school students and The Paperhand Puppet Intervention. They had these giant paper mache puppets, costumes and hats/heads that they let the kids pick up and wear. They also had a parade around the building and let the kids march carrying flags and puppets. Olivia had a wonderful time! We also got to do a scavenger hunt inside the museum, trying to find the art pieces that they only showed you a small fragment of on a sheet of paper. Olivia had a real blast with that one. She was determined to find everything on the list and managed to do it!  Sadly, I forgot to bring my camera with me, so I had to resort to pics on my blackberry....

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