Monday, April 18, 2011

Still Counting

I just want to say again how amazing this naming my blessings journey has been. When you look, there is always a blessing, some obvious and some in disguise! It is changing my vision and my thinking. I want to be a good example of looking at life with gratitude. I mean what a blessing to hand it down to my kids since they will do as I do far faster than they will do as I say. :)

#307-333 of the Thousand Endless Gifts
*coming home
*couch time
*working it out
*their hands and feet, their eyes, their smiles, the shapes of their faces, their voices
*peaceful sleep in the midst of a storm
*trees grown up
*more generations
*new family additions
*Sabbath rest
*baby dedications
*God hears our prayers
*God heals sickness of heart and soul
*holding my patient's hands, whispered prayers
*my parents
*the barn roof to play on-when i was a kid and now Olivia
*riding bikes
*sweet worship music, seeing Olivia learn to worship
*hands raised, heads bowed, clasped hands
*the wind, the rain, the many different faces of the sky
*the smell of my past
*bibles on the table
*my daily bread
*singing Hosanna
*a child's demonstration of the 10 plagues and the Exodus, being greated with excitement over their bags, the red streamer (the blood) hanging from their doorways
*a wonderful meal, hospitality of new friends, and discussion about how to celebrate a messianc passover
*the kids climbing on me in bed

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