Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Camp Duxbak Ranch

We spent 4 days with my parents last week. We started out at my aunt's house for a family birthday celebration. It is wonderful to gather with so many generations. I just love seeing my grandparents with their greatgrandchildren. Then we headed on to my parents' house. It was a wonderful time! There is always some many fun things to do.

My dad has been building and slowly adding on to a playground for a several years. It is always a hit.

There were wheelbarrow rides and tractor rides.

Horses. A colt. Barn Chores.

Playing in the hay barn. I used to love doing this as a kid and it is fun to watch my kids enjoy the same things.

Look close. It's the Pony Express. :)
Ezra listening close to riding instructions from my mom. ;)
Gabe didn't want to ride. At this point, he prefers the horses and the tractor more in theory or maybe from a distance. ;)

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