Monday, April 25, 2011

#334-363 of the Thousand Endless Gifts

*moments of compassion and understanding of others
*difficult relationships
*doing love
*being cherished
*making my dad proud
*a friend who is honest with me
*discovering what my words did to another and being able to apologize
*seeing my children make accomplishment
*being able to help
*a most amazing phone conversation
*reflecting, celebrating Passover, Jesus-his death and resurrection, God's plan; simple focus
*God's creation, his workmanship, not an accident and far from it
*warmer Saturday morning, coversations, hugs, smiles, catching up, being a blessing
*hope exchanged for despair, light overcoming darkness
*celebrating my sweet 6 year old Hope
*standing firm and not getting rocked (as much)
* songs that make my leap with joy-- "Living, He loved me Dying, He saved me Buried, He carried my sins far away Rising, He justified freely forever One day He’s coming Oh glorious day, oh glorious day"(Casting Crowns); the music of Dennis Jernigan and Keith Green
*our pastor challenging us to do something with our Resurrection experiences, a blog with the same challenge, being living and active like the Word.
*words i want to take back but can't, hearing them just slip out of my grasp, again realizing my great need
*waiting and giving God his time
*facing fears, accomplishing, shaking but feeling strong
*dinner made
*my hubby's desire to do and be everthing our family needs
*grandparents who love, laugh, play, hold
*feeling sick and struggling in the early morning hours, stopping to rely on the ONE greater than me
*my salvation, assurance, the voice in me; God restoring our relationship; He suffered and died for me; I am for his glory, I can bring Him glory
*the ways God speaks to us, clearly
*seeing my children's excitement as they are made to feel special
*a thoughtful gift

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