*seeing the God given gifts in each of my children. sometimes i find myself frustrated but them but i can also clearly see where God is going to use the positive side to their personalities. and once he grows them and molds them, they will do amazing things.
*my health
*grace moments in a full moon weekend
*how often God repeats himself to me and doesn't threaten to quit
*enjoying an orchestra with Olivia, seeing her excitement, and hearing her commentary (she thought the conductor, Gustavo Dudamel, looked like a strong eyed sheep dog)
*the poetry of God
*that I am equipped with the truth to overcome
*discussing a book with a friend
*the want to. understanding food and my own cravings.
*seeing my need and receiving grace when my tongue whips hard against those I love. and a perfectly timed blogpost to keep me from trying to cover it up. "letting go of sin and clinging to Christ"
*little hands and little feet. touching. holding. loving.
*stopping the cycle of my thoughts that would spiral downward. instead reaching up to the things that are pure, holy, and right.
*piles of dirt
*planting seeds
*watching Olivia draw and hearing her talk about life
*playing with my kids
*coffee with a friend. stacks of books.
*bird songs
*shoulder to shoulder with my hubby
*seeing him work so hard for our home and our family
*stacks of wood
*patterns in nature
*3 temptations-Genesis, the gospels, 1 John.
*the Alpha and the Omega. the many ways God/Jesus has identified himself to us by his names. the richness of the relationship we can have with God.
*watching the kids run and play on the trail through the woods. finding signs of Spring.
*taking flowers and a smile to a friend
*sharing with the kids some fun excitement watching the planes land at the airport
*carrying my children
*coming home
*a pastor who is passionate about the Word and who gives so much to our family
*Olivia worshipping God in dance. leading the way.