Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Play

Our church did a Christmas play this year and Rebecca and Olivia were the stars! They did such a fantastic job! Rebecca and Miana (our music coordinator, fantastic babysitter and pastor's daughter) put together a 30-minute play based on a video from a while back called "The Greatest Present of All" which featured the Donut Man. Olivia begged and begged me to do the play, but I'll admit, I was too chicken. Rebecca stepped in and did a wonderful job.

Rebecca as "Donut Woman." She actually sewed those donuts for her costume. I have to admit, I was impressed with how great they looked.

Olivia speaking her lines. She knew exactly how to hold the microphone with no coaching! That's my girl! :)

For those who don't know the "donut" illustration, our hearts are like donuts: they each have a big hole in the middle of them. But Jesus acts like a pastry "donut hole", filling that empty space up perfectly.

Amazingly, nothing caught fire!

Did I mention that this isn't the first time Rebecca's had a run in with donuts? Seems to me that history does repeat itself. :)


  1. I love the outfit. I am sure you did a great job :)
    Kim C.

  2. Awww I just saw this!!! It made me cry all over again. Thanks for all your help Rebecca...it was a TEAM effort. And Jeremy for sound, and all the decorations! I'm sitting at school and that was just the encouragement I needed :D
