Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Very Own "Good Dog Carl"

We have been blessed for the past 7 1/2 years with our lovable Rottie, Sarah. While, at times, she may be obnoxious with her affection, she's been the most wonderful dog. The kids love her and Gabe even will ask to give "Sah" a kiss at bedtime when he's trying to delay the inevitable. She's very careful around the children and will often just move out of their way when they come into a room to play. If she's especially excited (usually about food), she might accidentally bump into Gabe or Olivia, but usually, she practically tiptoes around them. At mealtimes, she knows exactly where to go for the best "fallout": right under Gabe's high chair.

We tell people that she looks big and mean but she's no danger to them, unless they smell like sausage....

Sarah is so tolerant and patient with the kids. Olivia can sit on her and Sarah doesn't bat an eyelash about it. 

You may notice a pattern here...this is pretty much her default position when she's in the house. Either this or begging to be fed, even if she ate only minutes before...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful Rottie! That picture of her sitting on his is so adorable! I know our lab is going to be the same way!
