Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ezra at 6 months

 This little one is on the move now! :) He is excitable! He loves interacting with his siblings and others. He is most definitely "EZ"!

Sometimes he just looks so serious....

Everything winds up in his mouth.

He's getting pretty good at eating his cereal. Not too much on his face. :)

This is how he wakes up every morning. At 7am. Every morning.

His first "real" bath. He just went nuts! He loves to kick and splash and isn't the least bit bothered by it. (btw, both Rebecca and I were in the room watching him and within arm's reach when this picture was taken. I wasn't being neglectful. I promise!)

Like I said: Everything winds up in his mouth. He does love to look at his hands and feet.

Sleepy. no wakey.

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures.... He looks so much like a little boy now and now a baby! LUUUUUVVVVV him!
