Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Surprise Trip

Jeremy's cousin got married in DC on May 29th. Due to Ezra's due date being the 28th, we didn't think we would make it. Since Ezra chose the 22nd instead, we decided to make a surprise trip to DC. We wanted to see Jeremy's siblings that live in other states and we don't often see as well as many of his other family members. It turned into a great surprise when we showed up at dinner on Thursday night. Thanks to facebook messages, we knew right where dinner would be that night. :) We got to spend all of Friday with family exploring DC and celebrating with the bride and groom at the rehersal dinner before heading back home.

At the Air and Space Museum

Carousel on The Mall


Olivia's choice for a place to sleep at the hotel. Yes, thats a luggage cart. :) It was right near Gabe's pack n play. She told me she wanted to be near him.

Gabe at the rehersal dinner

At the zoo

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