Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Pics of Ezra

Gabe wanted to try Ezra's bed.


  1. he is precious! so happy for you guys! congratulations!
    Julie Jersey

  2. I see Gabe is already making his superiority known. :)

    Ezra looks like his daddy in that last picture.

  3. Ezra is so beautiful! Olivia is going to be a wonderful big sister (she has 'lots of practice). Gabe probably has no idea what's happening to him, but in time he'll figure out that he has a perfect playmate!! Enjoy!!

  4. Playmates? Olivia will get the chance to get both brothers, Gabe & EZ into trouble together, creatively of course. I really like ther picture of the whooping 23 lb. baby Sarine snug in the hospital Bassinet. LOL! She sure looks good after that delivery!

    Of course we're not biased, but we think all 3 grandchildren are just beautiful babies!
