Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our New House Lapbook

So we have been working on this lapbook since early spring. We bought our house at the end of January. We spent a lot of time working on it before we ever moved in. I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about several topics with Olivia. Olivia leraned our names and we have worked on her being able to carefully write her full name and spell it for others. We talked about where we live and have made some headway in memorizing her address and phone number. We also talked about our neighbors and how God wants us to love our neighbors. Now that we live in the house, we take walks most days and always say hello to our neighbors. She also loves to stop and spell/read the "Lindley Park" sign. We made cookies for the neighbors on either side of us so we could meet them and practice greetings. We read numerous books about how other people live and how their houses are similar or different from ours. We also talk about these things as we ride around our city. We talked about safety rules for our new house. Our bible verse was Matthew 7:24-28. We didn't memorize this one but we have talked long about applying it to our home. We want to have lots of family time in this home and recently we have started having family worship every day so that our house will be built upon THE ROCK. Enjoy the pictures...

Yes, Olivia drew Sarah standing upright but she does have a tail. So it's not just Sarah who thinks she is a human in this house. :-)

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