Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Well, The weathermen got it right! We got 6" of beautiful snow overnight.

Olivia and I went out and made a snowman to bring inside and observe what happens. Olivia's hypothesis is that he will "lose his air."

We brought him in at 9:00am, put peppercorns on him for eyes, a nose and buttons.

By 9:15, he'd lost one eye, his nose and a button.

9:30: Olivia says, "He's melting into water!"

9:45: "He's dancing!"



10:30: We came down just in time to see his head fall off.

10:30: closeup

10:45: He's fallen over.

11:00: "he's getting smaller"

11:15: not much left

11:30: "He fell in the water"

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that your snowman melted so fast! Ours tooks hours!
