Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gabe's Dedication

Ok, We had Gabe's dedication over 2 weeks ago, but I was dumb and left the camera in my father-in-law's car, which we didn't realize until they were already near Charlotte. We got it back over the weekend, so now I can finally post the pics!

Gabe with his Great-granddad

Pastor Don Miller of Westover Church talking to us about dedicating Gabe.

Pastor Don speaking the verse we chose for Gabe. We picked 1 Chronicles 16:11 - "Look to the Lord and His strength. Seek His face always." Pastor Don said he'd never had anyone pick that verse before, which was pretty cool.

Pastor Don praying for Gabe and for us. We were so happy to have all the generations of both families represented on stage with us. From left: Mom and Dad Sarine, Granddad Baldwin, Dad and Mom Baldwin (sorry mom, you were hidden behind us), and then us, of course. There were a bunch of folks that came to support us as well and we thank all of you for being there. You've been a blessing in our lives and we're glad Gabe will grow up knowing all of you.


  1. I love your face in the dedication pics... Looks like the pastor just told you to jump off a cliff or something :)

  2. ha,ha!
