Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas 2008 was spent in Kannapolis with Rebecca's extended family (Baldwin side). We went to Rebecca's Grandparents' house and spent Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day eating, having fun, eating, talking and eating some more.
On Christmas Eve, we let Olivia open two gifts. The first was an actual working digital camera that we found at Rite-Aid for $15.

The second was a pair of Christmas PJs. I think this is going to become a tradition for our kids.

On Christmas Morning, Olivia and Mommy baked a brithday cake for Baby Jesus.

Olivia Just about wore out the batteries on this frog. It sang that stupid "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" song...

Msis O surrounded by her presents and the wreckage of presents past.

She got a pretty necklace with an "O" on it.

Her Doctor's Costume and Medical Kit.

We dressed her up in the costume, at which point she declared, "Mommy, I think you're sick." She put the stethoscope to her chest and said, "I don't hear anything." She then took Grandpa's blood pressure, which she said was 2008.

Cousin Mallory with Gabe.
Great G-dad with little man Gabe.
Grandpa and Olivia.

Grandma brought Gabe a jumperoo to play in and he did very well.

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