Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some More Gabe Pics

Hey everyone. I know it been a while, so here are a few Gabe & Olivia pics for y'all.

Caught him doing some light reading...

The obligatory naked baby shot. Let the therapy sessions begin...
Actually he rather enjoys his baths. When Olivia was his age, she would just scream, but he just relaxes and enjoys it.

This was a happy pic only moments before the doctor came in and gave them both shots. Then it was loud in the room.

Olivia loves when baby Gabe comes in to give hugs and kisses before bedtime.


  1. They are soooo cute! We get to see you guys TOMORROW! :)

  2. Nice naked shot. His penis is very small and looks like ...yeah what? It is too small. Give the penis some nutrition and water so´that it can grow. He will get problems with that tiny penis. Tiny Willy! Dwarf Wee-wee. Diminished gunman. Unvisible penis. It will not be possible to lick this penis or give him a blow job.
